I first saw Emily during one of my weekly visits to the orthopedic clinic at our base hospital. She was in one of the open ward beds with a long leg cast hanging from some overhead structure. I was in uniform and decided to go to see her and visit. She was very friendly and proceeded to tell me the story relating to her broken leg. The weekend before, she and her younger sister were playing football with the neighbours in an open grassed area between the base housing. Her team had come up with a play that would take advantage of the fact that no one was going to cover a girl. She floated out to the right flat as a pass receiver. As they suspected no one covered her. The next play she did the same thing, this time receiving the pass. Emily was now running as fast as she could straight down the side line. She was at top speed and looking at the goal line, when she was hit very hard from behind, driving her into the ground. The impact knocked some of her breath out. She now found herself lying under two large boys who were very happy to prevent a girl from scoring on them. Her whole body felt like she had been run over. She crawled a few feet off the side line to try and get herself back together. Her leg hurt a lot, but it did not look like it was broken. Emily, with her sisters help hopped home and spent the weekend resting. Monday morning; following a sleepless night because her leg hurt everytime she moved it, her Dad took her to the base hospital. The orthopedic clinic was full of casted people when she hopped into the waiting room. They put her in a wheelchair, and took her down the hall to x-ray. The technician announced proudly that indeed her leg was broken, and she would be going to the cast room next. Now examined by a doctor, she was informed that a regular cast could not be applied because she had a fever and some infection had started at the break. This had also caused a lot of swelling. He admitted her to the hospital after putting a cast splint on her leg. Emily had been in the hospital four days when I first saw her. They had just that morning placed her leg in a full plaster cast extending from her toes to the top of her thigh. Her fever had gone, and she was going to physcial therapy to learn how to walk on crutches that afternoon. The next day she would be released. I was there the next morning when her sister arrived with a bag of clothes for her to change into and go home. Emily slid herself and the casted leg out of the bed, and stood up on the new wooden crutches. Her sister put a robe on her to cover the exposed back of the hospital gown. She slowly crutched over to a common womens room located at the end of the ward. Emily emerged from the restroom with sweat pants and a sweat shirt on. The sweat pants had been pulled on over the cast, leaving only her lower leg, foot and toes exposed. Her Dad now returned having filled out all the paperwork. She got into the wheelchair he was pushing. At the hospital entrance she got out of the wheelchair and crutched to the car. I was visiting the hospital four weeks later when Emily was scheduled for her checkup. I watched as she got out of the car and crutched toward the orthopedic clinic entrance. She had developed very good crutching skills, and looked great in her short skirted summer dress, long leg cast with exposed toes, and a great California tan. Emily and I visited as she crutched to the x-ray department. She indicated that they were going to take this cast off today. I observed that the cast looked well worn, and some damage had occured around and under her toes. It looked like she had been walking on it a little bit? I carried the large x-ray envelope back to the clinic as she crutched next to me. From my vantage point, I could see her on the cast table as the Doctor examined her cast. She began to pitch a fit as he told her he was not going to take the cast off at that time. She said he had promised to do so, but he reminded her that he had not promised anything of the sort. The Doctor instructed a technician to repair the cast by putting a plaster strip under her foot, and wrapping the ankle and foot area with a roll of plaster bandage. Emily crutched back into the lobby area mad as hell. She related to me that the Doctor told her the leg needed two more weeks in the cast, and to make sure she did not put any weight on the cast. She was not happy. I walked with her out to her car. The fresh plaster applied to her foot area had covered several signatures, and left her with a partial toe plate under her exposed toes. She could move them up, but not down. I told her I would see her in a couple of weeks. She said she may not be back in two weeks because she was going to "cut the damn thing off" herself. She was no longer in any pain and her leg felt fine: "Stupid Doctors", she said. A couple of days later, I observed her in the front yard of her base housing. She was rough horsing around with a male friend. Dressed in cut-off blue jean shorts and a t-shirt, she really looked great. The two of them were pushing and pulling each other as she balanced on her crutches. Suddenly, she hit him with one of her crutches, and grabbed his baseball hat. He grabbed the crutch pulling her towards him. Emily then dropped both crutches and started to hop-run-drag away from him, walking, hopping, dragging her casted leg. He charged after her tackling her bare leg with enough force to slam her to the ground. They both continued to roll back and forth on the grass with little concern for her long leg cast. Emily slowly stopped fighting back as he pinned her arms down to the ground while laying on top of her. They were soon engrossed in a long, passionate kiss. He then rolled off of her, as she rolled up on top of him. Back and forth they went with her casted leg flopping around in the grass. The passion began to build in both their young bodies. He got off of her, standing up next to her. Emily reached up to him as he pulled her up on to her feet. He then picked her up and carried her to the house, leaving her crutches laying on the front lawn of the duplex. At the doorway into the house, he put her down to open the door. He opened the door and she hopped inside putting weight on her cast as she walked. I waited for some time, and no one came back outside to retrieve her crutches. Emily was clearly not treating her broken leg with the requested care. The next weekend I saw Emily at the local mall. The reworked ankle and foot portion of her cast was dirty and worn, now blending into the rest of her cast. She was mostly walking on the cast, but did have her crutches under her arms. I monitored her and the boyfriends activities as they generally toured the mall, had lunch and went into the movie theatre. She had walked on her for most of the day. Later in the day, I saw her using the crutches and not putting weight on the cast. Something must have started to hurt..... Two weeks later, I was monitoring the orthopedic clinic at the base hospital which had a heavy schedule on each Tuesday. I saw her car come into the parking lot. She was not driving as before. Her Dad got out of the drivers seat and came around to her side to help Emily out. As he helped her get out, I could see something was different about the way she was moving. The card door closed and she started to walk towards the building. Her leg cast had been changed and was now a long leg walking cast. She also had a long arm cast, including the thumb on her left arm. This was the first time I had ever seen a young woman with casts on both a leg and an arm. In the waiting room I approached her to get the story. She had been going down some long stairs without her crutches, walking on her old bent knee long leg cast. Her casted foot hung on the stair, she lost her balance and fell head first down the stairs breaking both bones in her arm. The Doctor had changed out her leg cast with a new full length walking cast that extended way up on her hip, actually higher than the earlier cast. They set her arm and put a long cast on it, and enclosed her thumb in the cast to prevent her from using the hand and fingers of her broken arm. She was glad to be able to walk on the leg cast because crutches would have been impossible to use with the arm cast. Emily had come in on that day for x-ray checks to make sure her leg and arm were still set properly. She looked really great in those two casts. I asked her what her boyfriend had to say about her new condition. She said he had not minded the leg cast because it had not interfered with any sexual activities, but that the huge cast on her arm had prevented her from properly servicing him. He much preferred her to use both of her hands on him. This one leg, one arm casted woman was not good. She also said that the broken arm was much more trouble than her broken leg was. She could not do her makeup and other important functions. The news from the Doctor was that her long leg cast would be on for a couple more weeks, but the arm was going to be a further six to eight weeks. She walked back to the car leaving me with a life long memory of a young woman encased in two large casts. During her return clinic visit two weeks later, the Doctor cut the top part of the of her long leg cast off, folded down the cotton liner and refinished the top of her now short leg walking cast. The long arm cast was inspected and left in place. Emily's overall lifestyle was greatly enhanced by her short leg walking cast. To her, the cast on her arm was a lot more trouble than any cast on her leg. I watched as Emily and her friend played soccer. She ran as best she could, and kicked the ball with both the casted leg and her good leg. She also used her casted arm to beat off the other players. At one point she forced a take away play by driving into the opponent and knocking them down. The next time the ball came to Emily, she was cross tackled by the defender. Most of the impact went through her legs taking them out from under her. She flipped over, landing hard on the grass. I was sure she must have done some further damage to her already broken leg or arm. Evidently not, for she jumped up and took off down the field! Needless to say, I monitored Emily the whole time I was based at Mather A.F.B., California. I was sure that this girl was going to end up casted again. She was one heavy duty Tom-Boy. She always looked like the more physical contact the better. Her close relationship with her boyfriend could be confirmed by simply observing the two of them handle each others various body parts, and areas of sexual enhancement. He was always running his hands all over her lovely body, touching, feeling, holding her casts while rubbing her fingers and toes. On occasion, he would give her a foot massage including her casted toes. This would only go on for a few minutes as her sexual juices would soon be flowing. She would then turn to him, wrap her long arm cast around him, and with her good armand hand attack his sexual organ. At one point, she was trying to use both her casted and non-casted hands to probe his body. They were never shy about these displays of sexual affection. Her next orthopedic clinic visit brought the normal amount of lecture from her Doctors about her physical abuse of the casts - threats to keep the casts on longer or put her in more restrictive casts - fell on deaf ears. She did not care. Her long arm cast was changed to a short arm cast, and the cast on her leg removed. Her previously broken leg was finally free again, and the significant limp soon went away as Emily proceeded with her active lifestyle. I rotated to my next base assignment knowing Emily was a great find. Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved