I flew a C-182 drop plane out of an old B-25 runway on the North shore of Oahu. This was a civilian operation that used two planes to haul sky divers up to 12,500 feet and turn them loose over our drop zone which was located at the end of this 10,000 foot long runway. Great weather and the sea level to 12k drop height made for real good sky diving. During my time as one of the pilots many events occurred. We tragically had two deaths and numerous injuries. This story describes one such event of the latter. It was a great Sunday afternoon and I had been taking loads up all day. The winds were now blowing pretty hard making the divers work their 'chutes to make the drop zone for landings. I was up to altitude trying to hold course while four sky divers went out the open door. All four got out okay, so I started to spin down to the runway for another load. While descending, I noticed one parachute off to the side headed toward the rocky cliffs of a 1,500 foot rock bluff next to the air field. I prepared to land just as the wayward sky diver went out of sight behind the cliff. After landing we got a Jeep to go and find the individual. Landing in that area of large rocks would not have been good. We drove along the access road until I saw the parachute on the edge in some large rocks. After a short walk to the site, we located the individual. It was a young Air Force Sargent I knew from Hickam A.F.B. Things did not look good: the individual was not awake, had a broken leg for sure and a head injury. EMS people arrived on site and packed Sargent Krause off to the hospital. I had a trip for a couple of days and when I got back to Hawaii, I went to the hospital to check on Sargent Krause. When I entered the room, Sargent Julie Krause was in traction. We visited for some time while she told me what had happened. She had a problem with one of the control lines on her 'chute and could not turn toward the normal drop zone. The cross wind then blew her over the rocks. Julie knew she could not make a proper landing in the rocks so she put one leg straight out to take up some of the shock, and folded her other leg up under her. Then, she covered her face and head as best she could. She did not remember much after descending into several large rocks. The leg she had extended had been broken many times and was now in traction. Her other leg was also broken but not as badly. She also hit her head causing a day long blackout. She looked pretty good given the very bad conditions she landed in. Two broken legs and a bump on the head was relatively good news. Her legs had taken up most of the impact keeping her body from sustaining any internal injury. Julie is a nice looking very well built woman who loves to live on the wild side. She rides a motorcycle, sky dives and goes deep sea diving whenever she can. Two weeks after the accident her left leg was still in traction, her right leg was in a full length cast and her head wound was healed up. During my next visit, Julie told me that they were finally going to put her left leg in a cast and let her go home. Hospital discharge day arrived and we brought her out in a wheelchair. Both her legs were in casts. With her arms around our necks we were able to slide her into an old station wagon for the trip to her beach house. Although she was glad to be home at last, Julie needed help for all everyday tasks. The casts were heavy and any sharp movements caused her a lot of pain. Her circle of friends arranged to have someone with her all the time. After a couple of weeks she had settled into a daily schedule. The two week visit back to her doctor confirmed that things were progressing normally for her right leg which had now been in a long leg cast for four weeks. The doctors agreed to change her right leg cast and replace it with a short leg walking cast. That proved to be a great help as it now allowed her to stand up. Her left leg was also re-casted. The new cast started at the base of her toes, positioned her foot and ankle at a natural angle, kept her knee bent at a forty-five degree angle, and ended as high as possible on her upper thigh. The position of her ankle and knee would prevent any weight being put on the leg. At home after three days drying time, Julie stood up on her short leg cast and crutched. She could not really walk very far, but could now get around much better. My turn to hang around her and help with all daily activities came around once a week. She was great and never complained. Julie is also very friendly and open about close sexual contact with any good looking man. During my stays at her house she never indicated any concerns about what I saw or touched on her body. This freedom did develop into several sexual encounters during which she never held back and anything went. Her great little body laying around with very little clothes on tended to arouse my desires. She was always interested in very active intercourse. It still amazes me how she could physically dominate the encounter with one leg completely encased in a huge plaster cast, and the other leg casted from the knee down. My next visit I had the great pleasure of taking her back for an orthopedic checkup. Just being in the waiting room was a great exposure to every kind of cast imaginable. This visit did not disappoint, with lots of leg and arm casts. I first helped her into some proper shorts and a t-shirt. Julie had become pretty good with her crutches and walking cast. She did not like to be carried, and could crutch for some distance without getting tired. Her crutching across the parking lots was a really great show. This visit proved to be significant because they took off her short leg walking cast. She also got a new long leg cast on her left leg. Julie felt like a new woman now that she had one leg back. She was ready to attack the World again! I managed to get her into the plane and we went flying. Julie now told me that she wanted to sky dive again to which I said: "No". Julie had now become very active with only one leg in a cast, and did everything she had done before. Julie did not need full attention now so I did not see her for sometime. A couple of months had passed when she showed up at the jump site ready to make a jump. I asked her if the doctors had approved? She told me everything was okay and paid her money to go up to 12,000 feet for a maximum free fall time. We loaded the plane while I took her off to the side and told her I did not think this was a good idea. Julie was not going to be left on the ground, so I checked her pins and off we went. At the assigned altitude everyone exited the plane and I started back down to see if she had landed okay. When I landed, she was limping back to the school. She said it was great although her left leg hurt when she landed, but otherwise everything was okay. Over the next couple of weeks she made several jumps, but each time the landing was painful and she was limping more. I did not see her for a couple of weeks after that, until she showed up to jump again. The day was windy with gusts to twenty miles per hour. The drop was normal. When I got back on the ground, she was being carried back to the flight operations room from the drop zone. After finishing flights for the day I went to her place to check on her. I let myself in as she answered my call at the door. I was not surprised to see her little toes once again sticking out of a long leg plaster cast. The left leg which was badly broken before had broken again. I do not like to see people hurt themselves, but she really looked great. Our relationship became strong and I realized how much I missed being with this attractive young woman and her broken leg. I knew that time had been wasted when she was casted before and this would not happen again. I spent all the time I could with her until I was transferred away. The second broken leg required three long leg casts for a total of twelve weeks, followed by two short leg casts, and finally one short leg walking cast. I also determined during the many visits to the doctors that they had not approved her jumping, and in fact had told her not to sky dive anymore. I overheard one discussion at the doctors office that they were going to leave her in a cast to ensure she did not go out and break her leg again. I am sure this accounted for the extended length of time she was casted. Julie is one of those people going through life with their hair on fire. If she is still sky diving then she is still having problems with her legs. Somewhere out there she is in a cast. Something to look forward to...... Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved