This story is true as best I can recall. My memories of the good old days of plaster casts on fractures and blown out knees. The names are changed and the writer has provided enhancement to the storyline. Gambling and sports betting took place at several establishments on Hotel Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. Lots of locals and military personnel from Hickam and Pearl Harbor frequent the various bars and clubs to arrange for evening escort ladies and to gamble. Our young man has run up a large sum of bad money to a group of loan sharks that is several months overdue. Threats have been made by the collection side of the bad guys operation. Past history has been that these guys play for keeps and are very physical. Seldom do they kill you, but bad things can and will happen if you do not pay back loans with interest. Late one afternoon bad guys one, two and three track down our young man at a hotel street bar back lot to collect all or partial payment for his outstanding gambling debt. After stopping his car they removed him from the vehicle along with his girlfriend. Both were placed against the building. Additional discussions about late payments occurred. Some initial slapping around determined the individual did not have enough money on him to offset the required amount of payment. More discussions occurred with increased physical abuse. At that point bad guy one and two took the young man down to the ground and with professional skill proceeded to put his right arm at a very odd angle. That generated pleas from the young man and his girlfriend not to break his arm. As if driven by an underground rule, number one bad guy snapped both bones in his right arm. Screams were heard and all the color ran out of his face. At that point the girlfriend escaped the grasp of number three bad guy, pivoted on her size four foot and kicked with her other leg. The blow landed directly between the legs of number three bad guy. Although a very small foot, it was directed with sufficient energy to drop bad guy number three to his knees, at which point she delivered another blow to his chest. She then turned her attention to bad guys one and two. Several blows rained down on them with good force and direction. We are talking about a five foot tall, one hundred pound local girl who knew a little bit about the fine art of Asian fighting. She was having her way with those men keeping numbers one and two occupied while number three tried to get himself together. As the battle proceeded, number one and two quickly determined they needed to use their six foot plus, two hundred and fifty pound bodies together to stop this onslaught of well placed blows about their bodies. They charge her at the same time and take her down. As they gained some control over this attractive young fireball, bad guy number three rose to his feet. Number three bad guy proceeded to the pile of bodies. Two large men sitting on one small woman trying to keep her from doing any more damage to their bodies. Number three bad guy wanted only one thing: the size four foot that was applied to his private parts with enough force to leave a sole print of her hiking boot on his balls. With the rage of a wounded tiger and the skill of a professional hit man, he grabbed her foot and leg applying sufficient twisting and bending force to snap both bones in her lower leg - first the small bone and then with additional force the large bone. The girlfriend then became very still. He then slammed her broken leg to the ground. The leg looked very bad as her foot now pointed 180 degrees away from where it should have been. With boyfriend and girlfriend now down and still; bad guys one, two and three exited the area. People passing by helped him and her to their car generating large amounts of screaming from both damaged bodies. The boyfriend drove them to the local hospital. Emergency room personnel examined Jimmy and Sina sending them to x-ray. Pictures indicated Sina's right leg had sustained spiral fractures of the tib/fib. Jimmy's forearm had displaced fractures. Next stop - The cast room. Jimmy is put in a full length arm cast bent ninety degrees at the elbow enclosing his thumb. Sina's leg is aligned and placed in a full length cast from her child like small toes to the very top of her thigh. The cast is bent at the knee and her ankle is in a natural position pointing slightly down and inward. Both are given pain medications and rolled out to the exit. Sina stands up on her new wooden crutches and proceeds across the lot at the side of Jimmy and his freshly casted arm. This was truly a beautiful sight as she crutched across the parking lot like a pro, her casted toes just clearing the lot surface as she swung her broken leg through the arch of the crutches. Once in the car, Jimmy told Sina that she almost got them killed. All they were looking at was a simple broken arm until she attacked the troops. Now, her leg had been destroyed, she was in a cast from her toes to her hip, and would be for months. The doctor would not even attempt to guess when she would be out of the cast. After a couple of very painful days and nights with little sleep, Sina and Jimmy were still wondering how they got into such a state of affairs. Her right leg was a mess and his right arm was useless. Every time she tried to use her crutches, the lower half of her leg started to swell up. A short period of time on her crutches caused her ankle and foot to swell against the inside of the cast with enough pressure to cause her to lose feeling in her toes. Her only recourse was to lie down on the floor and get the leg up above her heart. Jimmy was not a lot of help. His arm was casted at a ninety degree angle, including his thumb. Both casts followed the contours of their bodies, and had been rubbed out to a creamy smooth finish. On the third day, the general feeling of overall pain had gone. Jimmy especially was experiencing strong sexual desires every time he looked at her tiny toes sticking out of the cast which extended from beyond the base of her toes, up over her high arched foot, around the ankle, along her firm calf muscle, over the bent knee up to the top of her thigh. The beautiful white plaster cast completely covering one of her legs was driving him wild. Sina was also showing signs of passion. She had always felt strong sexual desires when in the presence of casted people. The restrictive, vulnerable look was something special. Jimmy and Sina rolled on the carpet in each others arms. Jimmy's touch with his casted hand and thumb anywhere on her body brought surges of passion. He had been rubbing her breasts with his cast which had made her nipples firm. He now turned his attention to her feet rubbing them with both his broken arm and good arm. His next moves to kiss, lick and suck on her exposed toes brought a fire hot level of desire to Sina. She reached for his sex organ with both hands, pleading with him to get inside her before she exploded. His penetration came none too soon as they both experienced the ultimate climax of passion. After a short rest, they found themselves physically and emotionally satisfied. They decided to venture out for a short field trip. Jimmy located some cut off blue Jean shorts and helped her pull them up over her casted leg. While Jimmy was putting a leather sandal on her good foot, she pulled a t-shirt on. Standing up on her crutches, she looked great.Sina entered the theater lobby with all eyes on her. As she crutched through the lobby, swinging her casted leg back and forth and wiggling her exposed toes; all attention seemed to lock on her casted leg. Initially, she found these direct stares to be exciting. During the movie, Jimmy reached for her cast to put it up on the chair back in front of them. This relieved the swelling, and let everyone enjoy the view of her casted leg propped up on a high back theater chair. Next stop: dinner at the hamburger shop. Sina crutched through the door while all eyes turned in her direction. Once seated, she again experienced swelling and pain around her lower leg. This time, Jimmy lifted her cast to his lap and put her foot between his legs. Normal small movement of her casted toes were felt by Jimmy. Before dinner is delivered, she could feel his erection with her exposed toes. Jimmy slid her foot aside as she smiled and asked slyly: "what was his problem"? He then lowered his casted arm down to her exposed toes, rubbing them gently. Now, her face turned red and they were both aroused. Dinner over, Jimmy helped her stand up. He followed her out the door, watching carefully as she naturally crutched to the car. Sina moved smoothly on the crutches having used them several times during her active life. Four weeks later, we located Jimmy and Sina at a park next to the beach. They were on a blanket wrapped up in each others bodies. Her leg cast was soiled and looked like the worst for wear. His arm cast was also worn, but appeared to be in better shape than her cast. Both were enjoying each others well tanned bodies while engrossed in a passionate kiss. The look of her full length leg cast wrapped around him, and his arm cast wrapped around her was worth the price of admission. Their little roll in the grass was about to take a very bad turn.......
>>> Chapter Two Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved