The three enforcers now appeared on site. She rolled over, jumped to her feet (foot), and balanced on her good leg, while Jimmy got up and handed her crutches to her. Now, she became balanced and the look on her face indicated she was ready to defend herself. The conversation centered around money as before. Jimmy explained that he had to pay both his and her hospital bills, and did not know how much more money it was going to cost. His arm was healing OK, but her leg would require additional procedures and much longer to heal. Bad guy number three indicated he had been having recurring problems with his private parts and his male organ since she kicked him between his legs. He wondered if she had learned her lesson, and is now willing to show him proper respect, or does he need to reinforce his position by breaking her other leg, or maybe an arm? Jimmy quickly stepped between Sina and bad guy number three in attempt to calm the emotions and prevent any additional injury to anyone. Sina hopped around him and indicated that she could take care of herself, and wanted to know if number three needed some additional lessons in the fine art of Asian battle? Number three proceeded to knock Jimmy down with one sharp body blow. A six foot five, 250 pound plus man moving towards this five foot tall 100 pound female terror tiger with her leg in a cast and two crutches in her hands appeared to be a gross mismatch. She held her ground and did not retreat. Now standing firm with weight on her cast and good leg, she raised one wooden crutch to begin the battle. As he came within range, she struck a thrust blow with the crutch, at the same moment placing all her weight on the very small little toes sticking out of the cast. This freed her good leg to deliver a well placed blow to his knee. He did not go down, but his knee buckled as he withdrew. She regained her balance and prepared for his next approach. She was now moving on the casted leg, still holding one wooden crutch. As she moved, putting weight on the four week old broken leg, he face showed signs of pain. Each time the cast twisted. Knowing she could only handle one at a time, she moved to keep all three men in front of her. Number three now made another approach - this time he grabbed her remaining crutch and forced her off balance. She now had no choice but to let go of the crutch and regained her balance. Upright, balanced, and ready; she lunged towards him with all her strength, landing blows with her hands. Using her good leg for support, she swung her cast around as high as she could. The casted instep of her foot hit just under his chin. This blow along with the others were only making him mad. She now stood with weight on both the cast and her good leg. Huge amounts of pain now emanated from her broken leg. Damage was being done to her leg which was not supposed to have had any weight on it for eight weeks. Her lack of mobility now became a concern. The pain was bad, distracting her every time she stepped down on the cast. Seeing a chance to gain control, number three bad guy charged her. Unable to move fast enough, his body contacted hers driving her to the ground. Now down with a 250 pound man on top of her, she found herself compromised - who knew what they might break now? Bad guys number one and two were now holding her down on her back. Her casted leg and good leg flying around in all directions. Number three bad guy grabbed her cast and threw it to the ground. He then placed his boot on the ankle/in-step section of the cast driving her casted heel into the grass. He then kicked with his other leg into the back section of her casted knee with enough force to crush the cast in that area. His next move was to stomp directly down on the top part of the casted knee, breaking the cast down flat on the ground. Her once thirty degree bent casted leg now lay straight on the grass with the cast in the area of her knee crushed soft. Number two bad guy now sat on her hips and number one held her arms down. Sina had tears running down her face, but made no sound as she bit her lip. Number three now grabbed her casted foot and with one hand over her toes, the other hand at her heel rotated rapidly left and right. She could feel the bones separate, and a state of unconscious came over her. As her eyes rolled back into her head, she lost sense of what was going on. Number three now grabbed her good leg and bare foot which was now laying still. Her small foot was totally enclosed in his huge hand. With one sharp move, she would be in a wheelchair with two broken legs and he would have relieved his anger. Then, for some unknown reason, he kissed her beautiful child like foot and released it from months of being in plaster. Standing over her, he reached down, picked her up throwing her over his shoulder, and started towards the parking lot. He announced that this was one stout woman, and did not need to be bound to a wheelchair with two broken legs. As he reached the parking lot, she began to stir. He layed her down in the car, carefully placing her crushed casted leg on the seat. As he picked up the lower leg to slide her across the seat, traces of fresh blood were coming out of the cast around her toes. Serious damage had been done to this leg. Jimmy had retrieved her crutches, as he was being briefed on the criteria of repayment of his debt. His arm and her leg will remain broken until payment was made. If four weeks passed and he had not made good on the loan, they intended to find both of them and rebreak said bones again! By the time they arrived at the hospital, blood had collected around her foot and toes. Sina was coming out of the shock that her body went into and the pain was intense. She realized that the last four weeks of enduring this leg cast had been wasted. The cast was removed to expose open holes in her skin where several sharp ended bones had cut open the skin. X-rays showed displaced fractures of both lower leg bones in the area of the original fractures. Twice broken bones where bone ends are displaced cause the healing nerves to develop into non union fractures. The time to heal doubles, and sometimes they do not mend back requiring external support. Surgery would normally be performed, but she had no medical coverage. It was decided to reset the leg, stitch up the holes, and put her back in an extended length long leg cast. Two nurses and a doctor held the hip and foot area to pull all bones back into alignment. One large jerk, and things appeared to be lined up. The three shots injected into her hip, had relieved the pain, and no feeling existed below her hip. She watched as the doctors discussed the best angles to set her new cast at to ensure both bones stayed in alignment. Stockinette was pulled over the leg and cast padding applied. The plaster was readied as the nurse lectured her on the critical necessity to not put any weight on the leg, while following all the proper cast care procedures. The bones would not mend together if she treated this new cast like the one they just removed. Her old cast was full of grass stains and broken down. Her toes were scraped, swollen and bruised. She had absolutely been walking on the casted leg. This behavior was unsatisfactory and would result in a short leg non union condition. Plaster was now being applied to her leg by two technicians working on her thigh and foot at the same time. The doctor explained that he meant no disrespect because his hands were very close to her private area. He indicated that this cast must be as high as possible. The first layers of plaster now extended over her thigh to her hip joint, down to her knee which was bent at a forty-five degree angle. This knee angle would keep her foot from contacting the ground when she stood. Her foot had been placed at a natural angle, with her toes turned slightly inward. Thick layers of plaster extended out to the second joint of her toes. She was stood up next to the cast table to ensure no weight could be placed on the leg when it hung as she stood. The extended foot cast prevented her toes from contacting the floor. She was now looking at a creamy smooth plaster cast that followed the leg curves, conforming to her high arched foot, and extended from the tips of her toes to her hip. Her anger now surfaced as she demanded to know how long it would be before she could walk normally? The doctors answer was that he was trying to save her leg, and did not know if she would ever walk normally again. This brought tears to her face as she realized this was a very real and serious problem. His only statement was to think in terms of months, not weeks. She now committed to a plan to work through this injury so she could destroy bad guy number three's right leg, making sure he experienced up close and personal exactly what she was going through. She can and would break his leg in as many places as she could. Her new cast drying, she is wheeled out to the hospital entrance and given back her crutches. As she crutched across the parking lot, she had a real sense that this cast was not the same as her other one. After a restless night with pain every two hours as the medication wore off, she decided to get out of bed. Proceeding to the bathroom, she stood in front of a full length mirror, amazed at the size of this cast. It extended to the very top of her thigh. As she touched the top edge of the cast she could feel her hip joint. The knee was bent more; and her foot pointed down and to the inside with only the ends of her toes sticking out of the cast. She poised on the tip toes of her good foot, raising the cast up to allow it to swing clear of the floor. A high heel or thick soled shoe would be necessary to allow easy crutching over distances without having to hold her casted leg out in front of be continued........ <<< Chapter One Chapter Three>>> Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved