Jimmy now approached her from behind and placed his hands around her, pulling her back to him with his casted arm. As she backed into him, she could feel his erection. For whatever reason, she also felt a strong sexual desire, and turned towards him to embrace. The one thing that was the same about this cast and every cast she had been in was her increased sexual desires. She had never understood the condition, but whenever she was in a cast, she could not get enough sex. During the intercourse that followed, Jimmy commented on the size of her cast and how high it extended up her leg, causing him some discomfort as he thrust into her. After a period of rest, they got dressed. Her outfit consisted of nylon boxer shorts and a t-shirt. She put a white tube sock over her casted foot to help keep it clean. She had been advised by the doctor that at his two week inspection, if he noted any damage to the cast, or excessive dirt on the bottom of her casted foot; that he would extend the cast to include her hip and waist area restricting her to a wheelchair. Sina would make every effort to make sure that did not happen. During their trip to the base, Sina told Jimmy of her plan to do exactly as the doctor said, and let her leg heal properly. That would give her the best chance at destroying bad guy number three's right leg. Hearing her comments, Jimmy stopped the car and yelled at her for thinking such foolishness. She would not get the last blow in that plan, and would only raise the battle level until she was killed and fed to the sharks. She could not win this, and would only bring more pain on herself and him. His final comment was that if she made any move to put her plan into action, then he would be gone. Jimmy did not want any more trouble. He planned to pay the loan off, get himself and her out of the casts, and move on. She might have enjoyed being the center of attention with her cast and crutches, but he did not. Jimmy also told her that even though she is a very good fighter, and has a strong toned body, she is only five foot tall and weighs one hundred pounds. There was no way she could realistically expect to break the leg of a six foot five, two hundred and fifty pound man - it simply was not going to happen. She must use her energy to get back to a normal lifestyle and forget about bad guy number three. As Sina dragged herself out of the car, she realized his reasoning was correct, and that unless she planned to spend the rest of her days with broken arms and legs, she would follow his advice. This moment of truth was confirmed by a roll in the grass with much hugging and kissing. A week later, the doctor is pleased with her new found priorities. The cast was in good repair, the foot area was clean, and she had clearly not been walking on the cast. He was concerned that not much healing had taken place, and told her that it was going to take a long time. She must stick to the rules to ensure that the bones would connect. Returning at the two week point for a cast change to keep it as tight as possible, Sina complained that this cast was very restrictive. The doctor was not overly sympathetic to her concerns. He was glad she could not move as much as she wanted - he had accomplished his goal to limit her activity as much as practical. After one last look at her toes and the bottom of her cast, the doctor put her white tube sock back on to cover her exposed toes. Crutching out of the office, Sina again noticed that everyone was staring at her. The more time she spent in this cast, the more self conscious she was becoming. It was starting to embarrass her. As the four week loan deadline approached, she asked Jimmy if they were going to be able to get the loan paid and avoid another visit from the bad guys. Jimmy said his cast was coming off, and payment would be made. One week later, a week before the loan due date Jimmy called to let her know all debts and loans were paid and clear, and that he wanted to celebrate with a nice dinner date and evening on the town. They agreed on Saturday night - he would pick her up at 7 p.m. After working for a half day at her reception job, she was ready to get home and start getting ready for their big night out. All day long she had been keeping her casted leg up so the swelling that normally occurs each evening would not happen. Her work station allowed her to keep her cast up and under the desk. She also kept her crutches under the desk. Individuals she meets at her desk could not see her cast. That was the only time she felt normal. Little did people know that they were talking to a pretty young woman in a full length plaster leg cast. Sina now tried to come up with some kind of dressy outfit that would hide her cast. The last thing she wanted was to be the center of attention all evening with everyone staring at her casted leg and foot. People, especially men, just stopped and stared at her making her feel very uncomfortable. While out in public that night, she wanted to draw very little attention. She enjoyed bare toes and so did Jimmy. After dinner she would remove the cast covers, especially the sock covering her toes. Now came time to decide what she would wear for the evening. After her shower which involved putting on and removing a waterproof cast cover, while slipping and sliding around the bathroom on one wet bare foot, she was ready to get dressed. A long, flowered, low cut dress worked great to hide the cast down to her foot. She put on her black high top boot which raised her up to allow good clearance for the cast to swing freely while crutching. A black knee sock covered her exposed casted foot. As she stood in front of the mirror, the cast did not show. The black boot and black sock almost looked the same from a distance. Her plan was to get in quickly, and hide her crutches. If the room was not brightly lit, no one would know she was in a cast. That should keep most people from staring at her, and allow them to have a nice dinner. It was time to go. Jimmy came through the door to see her standing in the hallway. He stopped and looked her up and down several times. She was a beautiful, normal looking woman standing with open arms - no crutches, and no visible cast. He was impressed. She looked great in the tight waisted long dress, her hair done, and a big smile on her face. This was not the same little woman whom he had seen fighting for her life with three large men. "Let's go, I am ready". Sina hopped towards him, as he caught her in a lifting embrace. "You look great, where are your crutches?". She pointed around the corner for him to retrieve them. Crutches in place, out the door they went for a candle light dinner at the Palms. As she crutched towards the car, Jimmy commented that the cast was not visible from the front or back. At the restaurant, they were seated by an ocean view window in one corner of the dining area. This allowed Sina a direct path to the table, where she gave her crutches to Jimmy to put in the coat closet. Seated, with her leg up in Jimmy's lap, she was sure no one would spot her cast. She was satisfied with her plan, because the dining room was not very full yet. People coming in now would not have seen her crutch in. She felt normal without people staring. That would also eliminate all those people who felt it necessary to start a conversation with her about broken legs, at which time she would have to make up a story to account for her condition. After a very nice meal, it was time to leave. Jimmy went to get Sina's crutches as she stood up swinging her casted leg out from under the table. Every eye in the dining room was now on her, as she put the crutches under her arms. The men present could not believe they had been sitting there with a young woman in a long leg cast and not known about it. Sina crutched out the entrance with every man present looking at his date thinking: "I wish that was you on those crutches and me following closely behind". Sina felt good about the evening and looked forward to a great night. Jimmy helped her into the car by lifting her cast, swinging it into the car. Jimmy drove them to a downtown lot and they walked/crutched along the boardwalk until she became tired. Actually, she was not really tired, her lower leg and foot were swelling up which generated some discomfort around her ankle. They stopped at a bench and Jimmy lifted her casted leg to his lap, removed the sock from her casted toes and kissed them gently. Rubbing her toes with the leg up relieved the pressure on her ankle. They repeated this process for the next hour or so with her cast sock in his pocket. He loved her bare toes exposed.......to be continued........ <<< Chapter Two Chapter Four >>> Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved