Terri and I planned our last ski trip for the winter. It had been a good snow yea, and we had made several day trips up on the mountain to ski. Spring was now here and we would make one last trip before putting away our ski gear, and getting out our motorcycle stuff for the warm weather. My wife Terri is a five foot four, one hundred & ten pound former cheerleader who is very active in sports. When we are not working, we are skiing, riding bikes, hiking, camping, boating etc. This fine day had been spent on the mountain getting all the skiing in one day we could to satisfy us until next winter. We were making a fast run down a black diamond course when things went wrong. Terri was in front of me and pulling away. She was going a lot faster than I was willing to go. I saw her enter a left turn, going pretty fast and her skis began to bounce. As she leaned into the turn trying to keep control, I could see that she was going too fast and her body was sliding out of the turn towards trees on the edge of the course. Just before impacting a small tree, she pulled her arms in and lifted her left leg off the snow. This resulted in her right leg being extended straight out trying to carve out the turn. Her right lower leg impacted the tree, which then cart wheeled her into the woods. She disappeared into a deep pile of snow at the base of another tree. I knew my lady had wrapped her leg around a tree and slammed her body into another tree on second impact. When I reached her she was half buried in a snow drift at the base of a tree and not moving. I brushed the snow away from her face just as her eyes opened. She said: "Damn, that hurts". I asked her where it hurt. At that moment a look of pain came over her face and tears formed in her eyes. She said: "Everything hurts". I started to look her over when she moved, trying to roll on her back. The instant she moved there was a scream of pain. Her arms appeared to be okay, and I could see her left leg moving. She was now getting a pale look on her face as shock started to take over. I knew something was wrong. We agreed she must not move as I brushed the snow away from her right leg. Trying to block her vision, I almost lost my lunch as I discovered her right ski boot pointing backwards and laying next to her knee. Terri was now in great pain and losing control. I told her she must not move, that her right leg was broken and she may have other injuries. Thankfully the ski patrol arrived a few moments later, and gave her a shot. They put her leg in an air cast and headed down the mountain. At the base lodge she was transferred to a waiting van for transport to the hospital. During the thirty minute ride, I tried to calm her down by telling her she was going to be fine and this injury would not change any of our plans. Terri kept saying she was sorry for messing up the summer. At the hospital, Terri was taken into the emergency room while I filled out paperwork. By the time I got back to Terri, she had been undressed and given more medication. There was an IV in her arm, and she was feeling a lot less pain. The doctors started to give me what they thought were her best options. At this point she was going to need to stay in the hospital to ensure no internal damage had occurred. Her vital signs would need to be monitored to make sure she did not have any internal bleeding. The known injury consisted of broken bones in her right leg. Both bones below her knee were broken, and her knee had been hit hard and might also have fractures. The X-rays of her foot and ankle looked okay at that point, but something could show up later. The bones in her lower leg were fractured in five different places, both impact and twisting. The Doctor seemed worried as he painted the horrible picture of my wife's lovely leg. One option would be to do surgery to install plates, rods and screws. That would leave a large permanent scar, and would need to be opened up again later to remove some of the hardware once the leg had healed. Two surgery procedures but a relatively short healing time. The Doctor again reminded her that this approach would leave scars on her leg. Another option would be to align the bones as best they could, and place the leg in a series of casts to keep the bones in place until they could heal naturally. A leg with that many fractures could take six months or more to heal by itself, but there would be no scars. However, Terri would have to spend a long time on crutches, and have her leg in several different types of casts. Even though Terri was drugged up a bit, she did seem to understand the options being presented to her. She said over and over that she did not want any scars. I agreed that we should try to align the bones and see how it goes. The ER staff prepared to try and externally align her lower leg bones. The first thing they did was give her a large shot which would numb her lower body, as they pushed and pulled on her leg. I have always thought Terri's small foot was almost perfect. She has a high instep, short evenly formed toes and great ankles. Never had that little right foot looked so sweet as when the Doctor wrapped his hands around it. Her toes were sticking out of his hand as he firmly pulled and twisted her foot and ankle, trying to get the leg bones to go back into their normal alignment. Another doctor was working on her lower leg, while nurses held her upper body down. Let me tell you it takes a special kind of individual to perform such tasks. They seemed pleased with their results and took her away to X-ray. I was a basket case and went outside to the waiting room. Sometime later I was told that the initial alignment looked good, and they were going to put a partial cast splint on her leg to see if the bones would stay in place. When I got back to Terri, she was out and they were putting slabs of cast material around her leg, under the heel of her foot, across her foot and extending well beyond her toes. They then wrapped several elastic bandages around all the cast slabs. The final result looked like some two year old had wrapped bandages around her leg. Even her toes were covered. The next morning when Terri woke up, she was appalled at what had been put on her leg. She was not expecting this God awful thing hanging from all kinds of overhead pullies and supports. I tried to explain that this was only temporary to see if the leg was going to stay put. I did gently rework the bandage wrap at her foot to expose her toes. She wanted to make sure they still moved. I rubbed them as she wiggled them. This seemed to help her realize things were still working. These tiny little toes were all we were going to see of her right leg for some considerable time. I assured her that this was not going to be the kind of cast she would be going home in. Three days later, the Doctor told us that everything was looking good for a regular long leg cast to be fitted to her leg, and if the X-rays looked okay after the cast had been applied we could go home. This was great news as we were both more than ready to get out of the hospital, and get down to some serious tender loving care. Terri was taken into a cast room, and the splint cast carefully removed. The three cast technicians were taking great care not to disturb the broken bones. They started out with the normal cast sock and padding around her knee and ankle joints. In a few minutes, they had applied plaster cast bandage material to every inch of her leg, extending from the second joint of her toes to her upper hip area. The cast was bent at the knee with her ankle and foot in a natural flex. The foot and toes were pointing slightly inwards. That combination of angles should allow her to stand and crutch without the cast contacting the ground. The technicians spent some more time rubbing out the plaster to a creamy silk like finish. Terri's shapely foot, ankle, knee and thigh could be seen in the smooth curves of her huge new cast. Even Terri commented on the nice look of the cast. One more night in her hospital room would be necessary since the physical therapy department where she would be instructed on proper crutch use was now closed for the day. The tech's put her and the new cast back into a complex overhead structure above her bed. This would allow plenty of air circulation around the cast so it would dry properly. I returned home to collect the requested outfit Terri wanted to put on for the discharge and trip home........................... Enquiries:Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved