Gimpix dedicated to the artistry of the leg cast from yesteryear Enquiries: ![]() Home Page Current Models Previous Models Photo Packs 21> Photo Packs 1-20 Videos 21> Videos 1-20 ________________ TV/Movie Magazine & Newspaper Contributions Sightings . . . . . |
GIMPIXRationaleThe beauty of female legs has captivated men (and women) for ages. The allure of soft, luscious thighs and shapely calves is irresistible. Bare legs and feet are beautiful by themselves, but their glamour is often enriched by various accessories such as footwear or hosiery. However, there is one type of accessory that arouses some with an intensity second to none. Their pulse quickens whenever they see a pretty woman with her leg in a plaster cast, either hobbling on crutches or staggering along in a walking cast! You are probably thinking this is very weird and kinky, but it should NOT be perceived as sadistic. Obviously, there is nothing pleasant about any form of trauma or injury. The appeal is for the plaster cast itself, not the purpose for wearing it, and this is proven by the fact that a cast on a non- injured leg is equally stimulating. Like stockings and high heeled shoes, a plaster cast should be regarded as merely an item of leg apparel. If casts were not associated with such a negative aspect of life, they might be perceived from a glamour perspective as easily as other leg related items. Despite this situation, it is proven that many people have an interest in casts, either actively or subcon- sciously. Of the many orthopedic devices that exist, only plaster leg casts have such charisma. Splints, bandages or braces do not have a similar allure, nor does a woman using only crutches. Plaster is superior to fiberglass, and a poorly constructed cast has greatly diminished appeal. Clients tell us that the factors that make a plaster leg cast alluring pertain to: leg motion, leg appearance and the foot, i.e. the same characteristics that make legs glamourous in general. Therefore cast attraction shares common links with mainstream leg topics. The first three are: * Limited movement because of cast weight and rigidity * The lurching, non-symmetric gait of walking casts, or smooth, floating motion of crutching * Noise made by cast on certain surfaces Physical restraint is often used for entertainment purposes, but many of the methods used are inappropriate for public display and/or not practical for prolonged use. A cast does not have these limitations. Finding the awkward motion produced by the weight and rigidity of a walking cast appealing might seem strange, but consider high heeled shoes: There are far more practical and comfortable types of footwear available. However, high heeled shoes enjoy fantastic popularity mainly because of the glamourous appeal of shapely legs teetering around on three inch plus spikes. Seeing a woman swinging her leg back and forth, while dangling a high heeled shoe from her toes is delightfully flirtatious, as is watching her cast rocking back and forth on the rubber walking heel as she stands or walks. Unfortunately casts that incorporate such heels have become scarce in recent years, and the cast sandal that has replaced them does not have the same effect. Appreciation of the hollow sounds made by a cast contacting floors or other objects are best rationalized by comparison to the sounds made by fabrics like nylon and spandex rubbing together, or those made by shoe heels on hard floors. The next two factors are: * Contrasts between the cold abrasive texture of brilliant white, solid plaster; and warm, smooth, soft flesh in various shades of skin color. * The contours of an esthetically pleasing cast should follow and complement the shape of the leg. The foot portion of a walking cast should have a neatly rounded appearance. There is something about the texture and brilliant luster of pure white plaster that fiberglass casting products cannot match, despite the vast array of colors they offer. The merits of plaster versus fiberglass is the cast variation on the perpetual debate among leg enthusiasts over traditional stockings and modern pantyhose. The next two factors are foot related: * Seeing toes sticking out & being "wiggled" * Smell of cast & foot Watching a woman wiggling her toes is seductive whether they are in a cast or not. But seeing them sticking out of plaster enhances the allure. Although many leg men cannot personally claim to be a true foot enthusiasts, several others are. The aroma of feet seems to be central to foot appeal, therefore this discussion would be incomplete without recognizing the role that a cast has in this area. The last two factors are not specifically leg related: * Thrill of pretense and ability to attract attention * Feel of applying cast Probably the most enjoyable aspect of play casting from the female point of view, is the powerful ability it provides to attract male attention. So much so, that a gimpy gal is often able to upstage her prettiest competition! Also sometimes pleasurable for women is the warm feeling provided by the exothermic chemical reaction of the setting plaster, although one must be cautious to avoid high water temperatures, and consequently risk of burning. Each cast enthusiast may be interested in one or more of these factors. Whichever combination is chosen, there is nothing wrong with being interested in an attractive woman in a leg cast. Comments and feedback about the preceding are welcome via email: gimpygirls (letter a with a circle around it - y'all know) gmail (dot or period) com Copyright (c) Gimpix. All rights reserved |